Feel free to send us your message, photo, story about Ed for posting on this page. Write to james@stickshiftannie.com
Editors note: On November 10th, 2004 the band, Stickshift Annie and the Overdrive reunited with Mike Robinson filling in for Ed Martinez at Jakes Ales' Randy Oxford Hump Day Jam as a tribute to Ed's memory. It was a great night and we all had fond memories of Ed and the music we shared with him on the "Out of Her Mind" CD. We continue to sell the CD and get requests from around the world for copies. (Interestingly, Ed was the replacement for Mike Robinson a few years earlier when Mike left the band he originally started with Annie)
Thanks for the invite, but if I would have known sooner, I would have come. I have band practice tonight, and really I hate to miss your Jam, but I am already committed for tonight. I know where Jakes is. I don't have any of Ed's guitars and neither did his Brother Richard. I wanted to buy one that Ed knew I loved, just to have in his Memory. I really miss him. I have not played with Ed since 25 years ago in L.A. with his Brother Richard who plays Bass. I recently had talked to Richard and Ed had told him before he passed how he wished the two of us could have played one last time. And that really makes me sad. But have a good Jam, and I'm sure Ed is giving you guy's a Thumbs up from heaven. And I know he is probably having the time of his life with his Hero George Harrison in Heaven. Let me know when you guys play again, I would like to meet you guys. By the way, Ed really Loved Stickshift Annie, he loved the band and the music, and was really proud of the band, just to let you know.
Take Care,
George "Running Bear" Castellano my Native American name
I was saddened immensely to read about Ed's passing. I obviously didn't know him anywhere near as well as you did, but I did meet him and did respect him as a musician and a human being. I'll always remember the Oxford Saloon gig, with the trio doing the Cream tribute for me......a special moment in what was a fantastic four days in Seattle. I have arranged to have "Out Of Her Mind" played in the breaks between bands at the next West Coast Blues Club (the new club near me in West Australia) as a tribute to Ed. Please accept my sincere condolences to all of you who knew Ed.
Love and best wishes from across the seas,
(Editors note: Mike Jakins is involved with blues societies and venues in Perth Australia and came to see the band in 2001. He has been a big fan ever since.)
Dear Stickshift Annie,
Although I never got a chance to see my uncle play live, I was always touched by his great guitarmenship and his knack for creating incredible music through recordings. I was very moved by the tribute you put together in his memory on your website. Music and computers were two of Uncle Eddie's passions. I will always remember him for our great conversations over the years about music, guitarists in particular, and computers. The last time I saw Uncle Eddie in October last year, I remember this conversation we had over dinner about a band he had been playing with for several years. He told me the band's name was Stickshift Annie. I finally got a chance to hear Eddie's brilliant guitar work on Stickshift Annie's "Out of Her Mind" CD today. Thank you for putting together such a wonderful tribute to Uncle Eddie on your website. Eddie will be deeply missed by his family, friends, bandmates and co-workers. We love you Eddie, very much.
Nephew Mike Rosenthal
Sad news...just got home tonight... I will play some cuts off your Out of Her Mind disc on the thur. eve. show, be well and take care,
Clancy Dunnigan, KSER (radio dj and fan)
We are so sorry to hear the news about Ed. I know he will be missed by
many. Very nice to post the tribute to Ed. He was a terrific guitarist.
Susie & Doyle (fans)
Really sorry to hear about, Ed Martinez. I was just thinking about him over the weekend and wondering if he was feeling well enough to play. I had no idea he had cancer or his general health was in question. Although I did not know him well, I felt from the few conversations with him that we could have been friends.
See you guys tomorrow.....Bill (fan and harmonica player)
It does indeed break my heart. I will light a candle for him and play some Stickshift
Jennie (fan)
I'm so sorry to hear of Ed's passing. Sounds like a really nice tribute, though. I'll raise a glass once I get home :
Love, Sue (fan)
Oh man, This news breaks my heart....My prayers are with Ed & his family as well as with you all. Take care ..
Sincerily, Don & Robin (fans)
Hi folks,
Here's a picture of Ed doing what he liked most, courtesy of Mr. Moore. This was taken during Crossroads at EMP,
I believe (editor note: I think this is at the Century Ballroom opening for Tommy Castro.) I thought some of you might like to have a copy.
Rick Anderson (best friend and fan)

Hi James,
I''m sorry I couldn't make the gathering at Shooters. I would like to have shared the moment with the SAO gang. I'm hoping you will write up something about Ed for the Bluesletter. Maybe you could send along one of the shots on your website with it, to Mike? I have some photos of Ed, but as usual, he's happy keeping himself in the background, and they aren't clear shots. Thanks. I'm sorry you lost your friend. He was a sweet man, and so talented!!
Love, Leslie (President of the Washington Blues Society and fan)
Considering Ed's passing I thought I would add this thought.
Two years ago on my Birthday, Sandra and I went to see a band at the Oxford Tavern in Snohomish. I didn't know them real well, having only talked and played with a few members that I had met at Randy Oxford's new jam at Jake's in Federal Way. I had some pleasant conversations with Jack and Trish at Jake's, like Randy, they seemed to be really nice folks. As I listened to the band, I was impressed at how tight the act was. Solid drums and bass, harp parts played well and all in the right spot, two great guitar players and a knock out singer in front. I liked how all the parts fit, I could hear the vocals and harmony. And the guitar players......Ian with this great Telecaster tone and perfect timing...and then I heard Ed playing this great second guitar part that was different in tone, but equally presented (always been partial to Gibson guitars....I think Ed was playing a Les Paul that night, could have been a 335 or 337 though). It was like watching a team, Ian and Ed swapped guitar leads back and forth in the course of the night, I was truly impressed. I was so impressed with the show and of course Annie's wonderful vocals. (Harmonica could have been a little more up in the mix.....but that's a story for another time). To my surprise, James and Annie invited me to sit in for a couple of tunes. I felt instantly at home on stage with this great band. I was truly made to feel welcome. I remember stepping outside the bar during one of the breaks and having a conversation with James, Ian and Ed. Ed and I talked about Eric Clapton and old Savoy Brown tunes, a very pleasant memory. Later that night, the whole band got together and autographed a copy of their CD "Out of Her Mind" and gave it to me for my birthday. I was so knocked out by the entire night I talked about it all the way home. To this day I listen to the CD and it always makes me think of how lucky I am to know such a great group of folks. The band "Stickshift Annie and the OverDrive" is no more, but that's the great thing about memories, like good friends they are always with you.
Bill Mattocks
Greetings all -
Just in case you couldn't make it to Shooters last night. Here is a picture of the toast that Stickshift Annie and the Overdrive gave Ed.
Kristee Kinney (Jack's daughter)
Jack Kinney, Ian Waldie, Annie Eastwood, James Middlefield, Rick Anderson standing in for Ed, Carl Jackson in back).
Here's to Ed!
Ed's sisters Rose & Angie
Annie, Rose, Angie, Trish
JJJack, Ian, Angie, Rose
From: Joost van Steen [mailto:jvs@omroeprijnwoude.nl]
Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2003 12:43 PM
To: Kinney, John E Subject: RE: Sad news
Hai Jack
Very considerate of you to inform me.....Indeed very sad news and my sincere condolances go to all of you and especially to Ed his loved ones and i do wish them a lot of strength in these sad days, my thoughts are with them. Next week I will put "Out of Her Mind" into the program as a tribute to Ed....You all take care and lots of strength also to you all....
Kind regards
Joost van Steen, Host/producer Jazz & Blues Tour - jazzbluestour@radiorijnwoude.nl
(editors note: Joost van Steen is emailing to Jack Kinney from Holland The Netherlands Radio Rijnwoude 106.5FM, 105.9Cable www.jazzbluestourradio.com www.radio.nl/jazzbluestour. I don't know if Ed ever realized that he was an "International Recording Artist." His guitar has also been heard in Brisbane and Perth Australia, Barcellona Spain, and England as well as Atlanta, Boston, Buffalo New York, Chicago, Ypsilanti MI, Missoula, Montana, Alliance, Ohio, Minnesota State University, St. Louis, Kansas City and Springfield, Missouri, Santa Barbara, California)
Thanks so much for informing me about your webpage tribute to Ed Martinez. I love the loop from "Out of Her Mind," I remember the first time I heard that cut and I felt that it was such great music and I hoped I'd see a reunion concert sometime but alas that won't happen. I wish I had got to meet Ed. In the pictures and commentary on the webpage, I can feel the sense of community that was a part of Ed and his East LA family. Congratulations on putting together such a fine and touching tribute. I feel that I sort of know Ed because of this tribute and your kind words about him the other night. My deepest sympathy to you and the SAO family.
George in K-land (SAO fan)