Sunday - August 11
Gas Works Park
Washington Blues Society Summer Picnic w/Seattle Peace Concerts

This was the last gig for Stickshift Annie and the Overdrive.
Annie is currently booking gigs with Kimball Conant and the Fugitives.

Photos from the last performance of Stickshift Annie and the Overdrive at Gasworks Park on August 11th, 2002

You can see additional photos by clicking this link: MORE PHOTOS

From Stickshift Annie and the Overdrive
by James Middlefield

Thanks from everyone in the band for all the support and encouragement given by the Washington Blues Society and the many friends, fans and family who have come out to enjoy Stickshift Annie and the Overdrive.

It is with some regret, but also with enthusiasm that the band announced its last performance together at the WBS/Peace Concert. Regret, because we had a lot of fun and many accomplishments over the years. Enthusiasm, because each member of the band has plans for future musical endeavors. Good things don’t come to an end they just become other good things.

Annie Eastwood has already begun playing gigs with Kimball Conant and the Fugitives. She plans to continue writing original tunes, and may get involved in other projects as well. Her email is StickshiftAnnie@aol.com.

Bassist Jack Kinney will continue to hold down the bottom end with Randy Oxford and the Northwest’s favorite weekly jam, Wednesdays at Jakes Ales in Federal Way. Jack is also looking into several other projects that should kick into full gear soon. You can reach Jack at play4u70@hotmail.com.

Ian Waldie is planning to stretch his musical style out and pursue his love for what he calls "blues that's jazz that's blues." We look forward to hearing what he comes up with in the coming months. Ian is also open to session playing, filling in, or other performance opportunities. His email address is Ianwal7@aol.com.

Guitar player Mike Robinson was actually a founding member of Stickshift Annie and the Overdrive way back in 1996. Mike rejoined the band for their last five gigs when Ed Martinez resigned. It was great that Mike could take up where he left off and be included in his band’s finale.

Drummer Carl Jackson will be available for session work, fill in and other opportunities to hit the skins. He is currently involved in a quest to fit new rhythms into traditional music styles and he will continue to play music with Ian Waldie in an as yet un-named project in the near future. His passion is percussion and his email address, as listed in his ad in the Bluesletter, is pearl_drumr@yahoo.com..

As harmonica player for Stickshift Annie and the Overdrive I had the time of my life. I enjoyed every minute of playing with this great group. While I will continue to play the harmonica, I have a studio full of other instruments and I look forward to spending time with each of them. You’ll find me at most of the Washington Blues Society meetings and you can catch up with me on Sunday afternoons during my volunteer shift at the Experience Music Project. Come on down. My email address is Jmiddlefield@aol.com.